Saturday, August 31, 2013

Scientists just developed a mini brain, said Nature

Scientists have become successful in developing a mini human brain model in their laboratory. While the brain is not as functional as a living human brain, the mini brain is expected to be of great help in knowing and understanding the functionality, diseases and disorders in human brain. Let’s read what more is being expected from this mini human brain by the scientists and bio-technologists.

A report in ‘Nature’ magazine has said that a mini brain has been successfully developed by the researchers. According to the report, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, situated in Austin’s academy has developed a miniature brain which resembles to the brain of a few weeks old baby in shape and size.

Scientists developed mini brain photo [Image source- Flickr, Christina Gavlez]

Scientists developed mini human brain model photo [Image source- Flickr]
As we have no intentions to give lame expectations to our readers, we need to mention that the brain is only a miniature model of a living human brain and does not think or understand as a human brain does. While it is not for the first time when scientists have been able to develop nerves or rough model of brain, the miniature brain is the only of its kind when the scientists have successfully developed a 4mm sized human brain.

Researcher and Scientist, Dr. Jurjen Nobilich said that the newly developed brain in the laboratory will be helpful in observing the functionalities as well as various diseases and disorders in the brain.

[Note: The images used in this post only have relation with the subject of post. The images, in anyway are not being claimed as the original images from the research shared in this blog.]

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